What Should You Expect During a Health Fund Eye Test?

Posted on: 12 April 2023

When it comes to eye tests, there's no such thing as being too careful. Regularly scheduling an eye test is essential for maintaining your eye health, especially if you are experiencing any problems with your vision or if you wear contact lenses or glasses. If you have a private health fund, then you're likely eligible for coverage of some or all of the costs associated with an eye test. So, if you've never taken advantage of this before, what can you expect?

The Eye Test Process

When attending an eye test, the optometrist will generally assess your vision and overall ocular health. This involves checking everything from your visual acuity to the shape of your eyes. The optometrist may also inspect the back of your eyes using a device called an ophthalmoscope, which allows them to look at the retina and other parts of the interior structures of your eyes. In addition to these tests, they might also measure the pressure inside your eyes if you are at risk for glaucoma.

What Health Funds Cover

It is important to note that not all private health funds offer full coverage for an eye test, so be sure to check with yours before making an appointment. Generally speaking, Australian health funds provide coverage for a portion of either optical services or ophthalmic services. Additionally, some funds may only cover children or people who have reached retirement age within certain plans, so again, it's best to double-check before booking any appointments.

Follow-Up Appointments and Treatment

If your optometrist notices anything unusual during their initial assessment, they may recommend further tests or treatment such as laser surgery or eyeglasses prescriptions depending on what condition they're treating. Depending on which private health fund you use and how comprehensive its coverage is for that particular procedure, some or all of these additional costs could be covered as well. Make sure to inquire about this when booking follow-up appointments after the initial assessment.

What to Remember

Overall, an eye test should not take up too much of your time and will involve assessing both your vision and overall ocular health in order to ensure that everything is in good working order. If you have a private health fund, the chances are good that it will cover either some or all of the costs associated with having an eye test. However, be sure to check the fine detail beforehand, just in case. With proper care and regular testing, you can keep track of any potential issues before they become too serious.

For more information about what a health fund eye test entails, contact a local eye doctor.
