Exam Time: 4 Ways to Protect Your Eyes When Studying

Posted on: 19 July 2017

If you are a student who needs to study, it is likely you will be spending a lot of time reading books, writing essays and reviewing PowerPoint presentations. However, all of these activities can place a lot of strain on your eyes. Below is a guide to 4 steps you can take to protect your eyes while you study.

Have an eye exam

If the glasses or contact lenses that you wear are old, they may be harming rather than helping your eyesight and may be triggering headaches or increasing the amount of fatigue you feel. Optometrists recommend that you have your eyes tested every two years, but if you find yourself struggling to focus and read the information presented on a screen or in a book, you should book an appointment as soon as possible. The longer you postpone seeing an optometrist, the higher the risk of serious eye damage.

Take regular breaks

A mammoth study session doesn't just tire out your brain; it also strains the muscles that control your eyes. This can lead to pain and tension headaches. It may also affect your ability to focus on what you are studying. You can prevent this problem by taking regular breaks from your computer screen or your text books. You may wish to investigate the Pomodoro technique, which sets out a schedule for your study periods and your breaks. You should avoid spending your breaks looking at your smartphone. Instead, you should get up and take a walk around so your eyes can rest.

Adjust the brightness of your screen

When you sit in a darkened room, the pupils in your eyes dilate and grow larger to allow more light to enter. If you then look at a bright smartphone or computer screen, the burst of light that enters your eyes can damage the retina. You should always adjust the brightness of a screen if you are using it in low light conditions.

Get enough sleep

Sleep plays a vital part in keeping your eyes healthy. During sleep, photosensitive cells in the eye are repaired and replaced. The darkness that your eyes experience during sleep also allows them to rest. You should make sure you are getting enough sleep so you are in top form when you wake up.

If you would like further advice about maintaining your eye health, you should book an appointment with an optometrist today.
